Choosing a Game Engine

I recently started learning C#. A big advantage of learning C# is I can use that language for game development. The most popular game engine in the world; Unity supports C# as its main scripting language. These days, I've been reviewing and analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of different game engines (mainly Unity and Godot) to start learning a game engine.

I didn't actually start learning ANY game engine. All I did was watching YouTube videos and reading articles about game engines all day. But then I made a decision; choose GDevelop. GDevelop is the first game engine I learned. It's a beginner friendly game engine.

The main reason for choosing this game engine is it is ENOUGH for the games I want to create. I only create 2D games. I'm not a fan of 3D games. I make simple games without complex mechanics. And the graphics I use are simple. 

Even though if I use a complex game engine, I still have to create sprites, game logic, and most other things related to game development. And I believe I can create a polished game using GDevelop. It's a powerful tool. If I can work a bit, hopefully I can make an amazing game. 


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