I Started My Game Dev Journey

I've been passionate about Game Development for a long time. But I couldn't learn because of 2 reasons.

  1. Learning game development is time-consuming. 
  2. There are not many game studios in Sri Lanka.

I'm very busy with my studies because I'm following a degree. Learning a game engine like Unity or Unreal (those are the only game engines I knew at that time) is a time-consuming process. The second reason is also related to the first one. So even after learning a game engine, what's the point if I won't be able to find a job? 
But my passion for game development didn't disappear.

Discovering GDevelop

About 2 months ago, I saw freeCodeCamp published a crash course on YouTube about something called "GDevelop". It is a 2D cross-platform free and open-source game engine. I was curious to know about GDevelop. So I researched this by first visiting their official website. I was impressed because it seemed like this is a beginner-friendly game engine that is quick to learn. So I thought of giving it a try and I started the freeCodeCamp's crash course.

I learned the basics such as the event system, variables, and extensions. At the end of that course, it taught me to make a game called "Asteroids".


This is my very first game developed using a game engine. It's called "Asteroids" and it is a space-themed multidirectional shooter arcade game. By making this game, I learned about how collisions work, how to store health, and how to make game objects look better by using particle emitters and different kinds of extensions.

(Click here to learn how to make this game.)

Geometry Monster

This is the second game I developed with GDevelop. It's called Geometry Monster and it is a hyper-casual game suitable for mobile devices. By making this game, I learned how to create game objects endlessly and how to switch between scenes. 

Play online: https://liluo.io/instant-builds/1a726291-a27d-44bb-b659-19d55fdf6293

(Click here to learn how to make this game.)

First Game Jam

There are many game jams (game development competitions) happening throughout the year. When I searched about these game jams, I saw a game jam called "Gamedev.js" starting soon. It's a competition to build web games. So I decided to join because it's a great opportunity to make my own very first game. The theme for this game jam is "RAW". I'm going to blog about this game jam in the upcoming posts. 😊


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